
Showing posts from March, 2022

Front to the Back!

 Here's the Front that goes with the backing that I posted about last time. It was constructed from a baggy of left over scraps and a couple of Charm packs that coordinated nicely.   I finished the Top just about 2 years ago right on the cusp of the Pandemic.   The quilt measures 53" x 68"  the size requested by Hospice for their Camp Erin Campers.  Camp Erin is a wonderful Therapy-Camp program for  kids who are living in a family where cancer has effected someone in their family.  When the Campers are introduced to their Cabins they are invited to pick out a quilt from the Camp stash of quilts and use it while at camp and then take it home.  It has always seemed to me a very special way to give away quilts so I always try to make at least a few quilts for Camp Erin every year. This quilt was really fun to make because of the row by row structure.  I just matched up all the various scraps of a certain height and sewed them into a ro...

Another pieced back and a little embroidery.

 Phew!  The Quilt Show was a Marathon not a Sprint!  It has taken this long to recover!  Like all deadlines everything is set aside in regular life so that Event can Happen.  Then afterwards there's so much catch-up!  Well the show was pretty successful even tho' it was an off year because of covid.  We had to check Vax status and require masks which was fine with me but we had to hire a security guard.  But it was worth it.  Everything ran smoothly and I think most people appreciated that we had safety standards in place. Unfortunately I was so busy in the Flea Market and other volunteer tasks I never got to take any pix of the Show.  I thought the variety of quilts this year was really excellent.  I hope our web mistress is going to posted pix if she does I'll post a link. I've hardly sewn this month on account of all the catching up but I did get a top pinned to the quilt frame and decided to piece another back so I've got this i...