
Showing posts from August, 2023

Lots of Sewing not much posting...

 Hi all!  It was not my intention to put my posting on pause for so long.  In fact I started the new year thinking I would try to post at least once a month.  Ha!  That did not work out.  Oh well.  But I do find that posting pix of my quilts does help me keep track of my finishes in a temporal way.  A record as it were.  And so I will try to renew my unofficial new years resolution. I try to sew or quilt a bit everyday to move some projects along.  My efforts are somewhat random but over time I do accumulate a fair number of finishes.  Here, in no particular order are most of my finishes since my last post... It seems baby quilts were in big demand.  Here are 3 that I've finished since January. I started this quilt thinking it would make a good Vet quilt.  But my daughter saw it and ask if she could give it to a friend who just had a baby boy.  This pic is at the border adding stage.  I did finish it but forgot t...