
Showing posts from October, 2023

A Couple of Finishes and the Tomato Report - 2023

Hi all!  September was such a busy Month!  Back to School, High Holy Days and we have about 10 Birthdays in the family if you include cousins and our anniversary is the 14th.  phew! But I did manage a couple of quilt finishes. I got this quilt top quilted! Such pretty fabrics!  I found these blocks in the Guild Flea Market.  All I needed to do was sew and sash! The quilting is really simple. Loops a Squigglies,   I found this nice Flannel to go on the back. The other finish,  I posted about last month this lap quilt to be gifted to a friend. Quilted and bound and off to a new home!  Yahoo! On to more serious business... The Tomato Report!  I did not post a Tomato Report last year perhaps the yield did not warrant it.  Sad to say I don't remember....Getting old is not for Sissies (as my mom and dad use to say) But the Tomato season has been good this year despite the many foggy mornings. This line-up of tomatoes was all from one plan...