Happy Fall

Lots of yard work going on here... but I manage to sneak in some sewing time as well! On the Design wall: I was fiddling around with a collection of 'Asian fabric' themed blocks. It's fun to just mix and match and see what I can come up with. This collection had some gapes in some of the rows. Which meant I was going to have to make some more blocks, grrrrr. At the same time I was getting antsy about JUST finishing Something! So back into the basket went this mess and back to the closet Full of UFOs to look for something I could Actually Finish ! Enter this cutie. I found this nice collection of scrappy 9 patch blocks at the guild Flea market. There were some leftover scraps included with them which I used as the posts. The sashing and border was from my stash. easy peasy! Top done and ready to quilt! Before I could put this on the quilt frame I needed to quilt the top that was already on the Frame! ...