Saturday, August 4, 2018

Indiana State Fair- Quilt exhibits

We are out here visiting are son and his family who live in Avon Indiana.  And by chance our visit coincides with the State Fair in Indianapolis!  I have lived in California most of my 64 years and I have never been to the State Fair so I was really excited to go today.
It was fabulous and of courses the biggest treat of all (besides getting to hang out with my g-kids watching them have fun) was going to the Arts Building to see the quilts! 
Best of Show!  Amazing!!!

This one looked like an original design. 
There were a lot of examples of really fancy Longarm quilting. 
I liked this one a lot! 
Great red and white sampler!
The quilting on this one was fabulous.  I think that's what the ribbon was for?!  Sadly the signage was very poor.
I liked this use of neck ties!  Check the lower right, it reads "Stan the Man"! 
There was a lot of nice applique too.
There were about 40 some quilts hanging around the Arts Building balcony but many more in these cases.  It's to bad they could not all be fully displayed but the quilts have a lot of competition for space in the Arts Building.  Painting, Photography, Garments, Crochet, lace work and every possible needle craft was represented!
I thought this one was really interesting.  This gal weaves and sews together the long woven strands of straw to make her own sun hats.  Best of Show in a category all her own!
Today was a super adventure!
I hope you are having great summer adventures too!
cheers, CW


  1. What a treat. I love State Fairs. Visiting grandchildren just makes it better. What a plethora of quilts. Thanks for sharing. And the sun hat!

  2. What great timing to make it to their State Fair. Love the quilts.
    We really need to take a day trip to Sacramento--you've got to check out the State Fair one of these days, Claire!
    Have a fun trip!

  3. Thanks for the quilt show. I've lived in Indiana my whole life and I think I've only visited the state fair once. I'm just not a crowd person. The quilts are lovely though.

  4. Sadly, I've never been to a state fair either! I've heard the California Mid-State Fair in Paso Robles is pretty good.

    I really like that neck tie quilt. I should make that! I already have a bunch of ties all prepped and ready to go.
