Saturday, May 2, 2020

Purple Scraps

This past week I've been kind of busy making hospital smocks for the local County Health office.  Not real fun sewing but I figured I'd do my bit since I haven't sewn any masks lately and I have a serger which makes the garment sewing much faster and easier.  Here and there I have been working on an all purple scrap quilt for my daughter-in-law.  Purple is her favorite color and she is Graduating from Nurse anesthesia School this weekend and I wanted to make her something special to celebrate.

As usual it won't be in time for the Event but it won't take to long to finish this one.
Monochrome scrap quilts are so much fun to make!  You don't have to think to hard as to What-goes- with-What 'cause, well, it all goes together!
Here's one I made for my mom on her 90th B-day!
The colors are always so rich!
I hope you are all well and safe.
Take care, CW


  1. Cool! Yor purple one has a little berzerkistan look to it.

  2. yes! not as disciplined but the same basic idea! :)
