Thursday, October 3, 2024

Howdy from the other side

 It's been more than awhile since my last post.  My plan was to post once a month. Ha!  We make plans and then Life happens and we adjust our expectations...

The good news is my new Grand baby is happy and healthy and already 6 months old!  Her name is Ellorie. A name you don't hear to much but it suits her.  She is such a happy baby and a joy!  I've already posted about all the quilts I made for her back in Dec. and Jan. but the two quilts I mentioned in my last post got finished!  Here are the pix:

I love these Tiger theme prints and it made for an easy composition.

Like wise these whale prints made for a fun quilt!  I could not find a Full pic but here it is on the quilt frame.  I Did get it finished...  Sometimes I'm so excited I finished something I just want to get it  deliver right away and I forget to take pix.  LOL

I've also been working on quilts for my other to grand daughters. One is still in the planning stages but this one needs only sewing down the binding!   Lots of fun fabrics in this one.  Can you tell...  Sadie, like unicorns?!

I've finished several tops since my last post.   This first one has been hanging around for ages waiting for the final border.  I think I started it when I bought Sujata Shah's book back in 2018 plus or minus.

Of course I did not have Quite enough of the border fabric so I added some fabrix from the blocks to span the gaps.

This next quilt was made from left over BOM's scavenged from friends or made by me.  I think they all jive pretty well?!
These last two were more recent Starts but they did not stall-out like the first two.  I started them both since my last post.  OK,  it was 6 months ago!  LOL
All flannel scraps and strips and patches...My favorite!
They will all make good donation quilts!
Now if only I can get myself to spend more time in quilting mode instead of sewing mode.  Big Sigh...
I'm always going two steps forward and one back.  Oh well...

Another Happy family event since I last posted;  my sister's daughter, my only blood related niece, finally got married!  After ten years she and her college bow finally tied the Knot (much to my sister's relief!)  
I volunteered to provide the flowers as a wedding gift.  Turns out I got off easy.  They liked the idea of buying potted orchids for the table decorations and they had no bridesmaids or groomsmen so all I had to do was make a few boutonniere and her bouquet!
It's always fun to make a Brides bouquet!  All those gorgeous flowers!

I hope you are all well and safe from all these natural disasters that are going on.
Take care, cw

Sunday, March 24, 2024

March Report

 I popped by  Rainbow Scrap Challenge (link to the right) today and was delighted to find purple is the color of the month!  I got lots of Purple Scraps!  I've made one scrap quilt from my purple scraps before but No Surprize I Did Not use them All up. 

 I started this project before the Pandemic.  It was going to be a graduation present for my daughter-in-law.  She was studying to be a Nurse anethesist!   But with all the confusion of the pandemic there could be no Graduation Ceremony.  Kind  of an anti climax to say the least!  I lost my momentum.  But when I dug out all the scrappy units today I was happy to see I have a lot of it done.  April is Meg's Birth month.  Maybe I can finish it in time for her Birthday!

It measures about 60" by 60".  A nice size for a lap quilt.

Elsewhere in my month of sewing I managed to get 3 kid quilts finished!
Cut Space/ rocket fabric.

This one was going to be for a good friend of my daughter who's baby born at the end of Feb.  But I just didn't love it and she is a special friend and I want the quilt to be really great so ...back to the Design 
wall ! 
Lots of fun fabrics in this one.  The theme is Transportation.

My daughter has another friend who is having a baby in the Summer.  The theme for her baby's room is Whales.  I didn't have any Whale fabric hanging around.   I looked at Spoonflowers website and found some wonderful  whale prints!
Still in the design stage but it's coming along.
And that gave me the idea to look for Tiger fabric at Spoonflowers
for the other baby quilt !  the theme being Tigers.
Aso still in the design stages but I like the fabric a lot better than in my first attempt.

Of course a month can't go by without digging through my orphan blocks and seeing what I can find to entertain myself...
I think I got these blocks at the Guild Flea Market.   Just need to finish three blocks and it will be ready to sew together.

I hope you are all Well!
take care, cw

Thursday, February 29, 2024

February flew by!

 I have been trying to make an effort to post mid month but that sure did not happen in February!  I do have lots to share.  Even tho' I've been busy in other parts of my life somehow I always come back around to sewing as my stress reducer and relaxation time.  Those bits of time add up!

After my last post I visited The Rainbow Scrap Challenge (thus the link in the sidebar)  It reminded me of how many baskets of scraps I have organised by color and maybe I should follow along with the monthly suggestions.   So January being "Green" I dug out my basket of green.

I had a lot of fun pawing through all my green scraps.  I already had a lot of scrappy units.  So I had a possible top laid out in no time!  But it was a little haphazard so I tried to pick out one part and build from there.
I liked the light and dark play in this section so I think I'll use it as my focal point and arrange all the other units around it somehow.
Of course January moved into February and that meant getting out my red scrap basket.  This one has quite a lot of parts further on in the design process so I won't get it together by today but I might get it assembled by end of March!
I have most of the units for the other two sides I just need to sew them together.  I think it still might need another border.  It's only about 34" square so far...

I'm also on a binge to try and reduce my Quilt Top UFO's.  I've been trying to have something pinned to the Long Arm all the time so that whenever the mood to quilt strikes me I can move on that empulse right away instead of having to pick a project, pin it on, choose a backing etc. etc.
Here are some Finished Finishes  I think I'm going to abbreviate that from now on: FF's,  hows that for an acronym?

Of course I couldn't let to much time lapse before diving into my Orphan Block pile. 
 This was made from 4 big improve blocks. 
 You take 4 fat quarters (or even larger squares) stack them all face up and then freestyle slice them up and sew them back together making 4 very large (about 15") block units.  
I find a lot of these UFO's in our guild flea market.  I think it's because while all of that wild sewing and cutting is fun;  once people get done they don't know what to do with the blocks.   
This one really just needed a little squaring up and some borders and bam an nice lap quilt for donation!
I thought the butterfly print was really pretty and all the back and forth movement of the other patches made it interesting.
Here's another one I found in the flea market.  This one came with some extra fabric and the wonky star block that I put in the middle...
The fabric definitely caught my eye!

And just to round things out...I have some baby quilts that Won't make themselves!
Here's what I've worked out so far:
or maybe this?
If you zoom in on the fabric you can see that it is a print of Tigers.
The Dad-to-be is nicknamed "Tiger" and somehow that has gotten to be the theme of the baby's room.
My daughter sent me this pic of these prints that are in the baby's room.
Seems kind of sophisticated for Baby decor.  It was hard to find any Tiger fabric that was not either cartoony or wild jungle.  Well I'll work on it...
Next Baby quilt is for someone who wants Whales in the quilt.  I found some incredible whale prints at Spoonflowers.  The shower for that Mom is not 'til mid April so I've got plenty of time to play with that Fabric!!!

I hope all is well with you !
Stay warm!
take care, cw