Sunday, December 1, 2024

Happy December!

 November whizzed by.  I moreless kept to my diet of quilting more than sewing.  So I finished binding the 3 quilts I pictured in my last post.  Ignored the UFO's that I showed last post and quilted another of the tops that I showed.  Here 'tis all bound and ready to go!

Lots of fun fabrics in this one a real mis-mash of prints but I think it works?!

And since I felt like I was on a roll I quilted and bound this top .
I found this in the Guild Flea Market..  I thought it was really cool.  I always wonder why finished tops  like that get donated to The Flea Market.  So much work went into it and it looks great to me!   Hard to say.  I figured I'd finish it and donated to the Quilt Show Auction.
Now I am sewing again.  I want to get both my G-daughters new bed quilts done for xmas.  Sadies's is all bound and ready to go but Ari's is in pieces.  Here's what I've got so far...
It will probably change, who knows?!
Happy December!
take care, cw


  1. I haven’t been keeping up with the blogs, but enjoyed yours today. I absolutely love the pink-ish quilt at the top. Good luck with your UFOs, and with getting things out before Christmas. Happy holidays, my friend!

  2. Thanks for stopping by! take care, cw
