
Showing posts from November, 2013

Blog Hop Winner and Holiday Aprons continued

Congratulations to Jo of  she is my lucky winner of the Quilt Gallery Blog Hop !  Thanks to everyone who stopped by and thanks for all your interesting comments!  I've picked up a lot of great ideas for home made gifts!  I'm going to branch out and try some before Christmas! Here are all the aprons I cut out on my last blog.  I got distracted with other projects over the weekend  but I managed to finish 8 more aprons!   I keep my eye on the bargain table at my local fabric store for cute fabrics all year long so's the fabric usually cost me about $5.00 / apron!  Not to sound toooo frugal but cash out-lay at holiday time really adds up!  I love retro fabrics for aprons.  They seem to suit the style / garment? I love Holiday fabrics (All Kinds) Here are a few xmas fabs. The Blah Humbug was a great find 'cause I have a friend who is always saying that around this time of year (she really lov...

Quick Holiday Aprons

So here's how I make a whole bunch of Holiday Aprons in a Jiffy! First things first: Pick really fun fabrics  Aprons are just squares of fabric with a little nip- tuck, it's the fabric that makes them fun.  It takes a yards length to make this pattern but there will be a wide strip left on one side that could make great pot holders or Holiday booty bags. This really goes quickly if you think Assembly line style and you trust yourself to'eyeball' rather than measure:  Start by lining up all your selvages and bottom cut edges. I usually cut  5 - 1 yard lengths at once.  Be careful to get your directional fabrics going the same way and oriented top to bottom with the pattern. For a pattern I simply I took my favorite Everyday Apron and lay it on the layered fabrics with a generous inch all around for the hemming. Here's an apron already cut with the hem allowance that I'm using as a pattern to cut the other layers.  With all the sel...

Bias Quilters- get together

Back in August I blogged about a reunion with my old quilt group. (read about it here  )  Happily, everybody had such a good time that we scheduled another meeting which met yesterday.   Most of our group celebrates Hanukkah and since Hanukkah is Really early this year (Starts Nov.27th) and I wasn't sure when we'd be getting together again,  I got a jump on my holiday gift giving. This was partly inspired by   Randy D.  who recently gave me a big bundle of Hanukkah fabric!  Randy knows how much I love making holiday themed things and it is very pretty fabric but 6 yards of Hanukkah fabric goes a long way.  I'm not likely to ever make a Hanukkah themed bed quilt for which I might need 6 yards of backing?!  But I thought I might make a dent in it with matching "group" aprons.  I've made a total of 7 aprons from said fabric and there's still more!   Maybe I will make some booty bags...  I love making Holiday gifts.  Peo...

Baby Quilt for grand baby

I picked up these embroidered blocks at the Goodwill a long time ago.  I've been waiting to use them in a quilt for a special someone.  We are expecting our first grandchild in December, I figure that's about as special as it gets!   It was so much fun designing this quilt.  The figures are so much fun and so nicely emboridered.   I will blog about the quilting in a later post.  Right now I have to get to the Post Office so's this gift gets to the baby shower on Sunday! Cheers, CW

Happy B-day to Mom!

My mom is turning 90 on Weds.  Nov.13th!  She loves the color red so I made her a red lap quilt. It's really much prettier than the picture but for some reason the reds don't photo well, maybe it's too much of one color for the camera's sensors?!  But the color is really lush with all those different shades of red.  I backed it with this pretty floral flannel, good print for a little old lady don't you think?  And then I bound it with some black velvet for an extra soft edge.   I actually finished this quilt awhile ago I wrote about how I constructed it on my website you can check out that process here- Happy November! cheers, CW