
Showing posts from April, 2014

More Scrap Strategies!

 I taught my Scrap Strategies class for the Napa Valley Quilters a couple of weeks ago (see that blog here )  As usual I encouraged everyone to bring a 1 gallon zip lock bag stuffed with scraps to share/ swap.   Everyone had a lot of fun pawing through the giant pile of scraps.  You know how it goes;  one persons scrap is another persons treasure!  I always contribute a bag of scraps to this pile and I generally find some goodies to take home and make a charitable quilt or two. In this case there were a whole lot of nice flannels with some already sewn units.  I just can't resist 'free labor'.  So I started with the pink 'flower' for the center of my medallion and work my design around that. I did not use all the scraps but I used most of them and I manage to make a small top (35" square) with a few additions from my stash.  I will get this quilted and send it off to City of Hope Cancer center for a child on the pediatric ward. ...

Sew Day, Yeah!!!

Randy is coming over today and we are going to sew, Yipee!  It has been soooo long since we've gotten to do that.  I don't think of myself as a terribly busy person but ever since my return from vacation at the end on March I feel like I have been running on a treadmill  that is going just a little tooooo fast!  I know just what I want to work on today! Something bright and cheery but not to complicated so I can concentrate on catching up with Randy rather than fussy sewing!  I started this project when I was in Indiana a couple of weeks ago visiting my son and his family.   I had bought them a used Bernina 930 online, ostensibly so that they would have a sewing machine... (but really; so I'd have something to sew with when I came to visit, tee hee)! Randy is in the know about sewing machine shopping online.  She knew I was looking for a 930 'cause she has one in Sunriver that I use when we have our retreats there I've told her many times ...

Visiting With The Napa Valley Quilters

I had a wonderful weekend visiting with the Napa Valley quilters!  I presented my Trunk Show "Confessions of an Eclectic Quilter" on Sat. morning at their general meeting.  They were a great audience and I always find it interesting to see how other guilds run there meetings and see their Show and Tell. One of the big treats for me was my accommodations!  My host's house was situated in the middle of vineyard!  (Well we are talking Napa CA here!) This gorgeous Valley Oak was right off the back porch and beyond that...nothing but grapevines practically to the horizon!  On  Sunday I taught my Scrap Strategies class.  We arrived at the classroom space to find out we had been preempted by another group!  But one student offered her home and so we all bundled back into our cars and drove on over to Krista's house.  Quick as you please Krista had a bank of folding tables on her enclosed back porch and between that and her dinning room t...

Baby Quilt for my Niece

Well I'm back from Africa!  We had a great trip and saw lots of cool animals and stuff...but I managed to  leave the cable that communicates between my camera and computer someplace in Africa.  Fortunately it was close to the end of my trip so no pix missed;  but, I can't download the pix 'til I get a new cable. Well,  I did manage finish a little baby quilt for my niece and her soon to be born baby boy since I've been back, so I thought I'd share a few pix of that. I love this Riley Blake kids fabric.  Robots, rockets and one eyed aliens in wonderful bright colors!  and this cute flannel for the back! I love making baby quilts, the fabrics are so much fun and they're small so they don't take to long to make! Do you have a favorite kid quilt pattern? cheers, Claire W.