
Showing posts from December, 2014

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Well, Ive been getting in the Christmas Spirit by playing with my Christmas Fabric!  I had this partial layer cake of really cute xmas Fabrics by Riley Blake.   I had this idea to use the same layout as this flannel quilt I made a couple of months ago with a few minor adaptions... The inner borders are pretty similar but by virtue of the 10" squares I had to piece the outer border... That was as far as the partial (only 27 patches) layer cake would take me.  Not enough fab for a second outer border so it's quite a bit smaller than the flannel quilt.  It will make a cute wall hanging for someone! Have a wonder filled Holiday Season! Cheers, CW

Holiday Table Runners

Last year I made a whole bunch of aprons as holiday gifts and the year before the gift 'de jeur' was potholders so I thought I'd try something new.  But it could not be tooooo complicated 'cause I have a lot to make.  So I settled on quick turned ( no binding needed, Yeah!) table runners.   Here are my first two efforts. I had some 5" patches left over from a charm packet which went together real quick Correction:  T hese charm squares were from a packet by Moda but not a Riley Blake line.   Sometimes all it takes is a really cute print like this one from Kauffman fabrics.  This side is Chanukkah themed, but the other side could be used for any Jewish Holiday!  I use that same idea when making charitable quilts like this one.  I'm always on the look out for printed panels that can be used for kid's quilts to donate like this one.  Really cute but not to time consuming to make.  And I whipped up this blankey for my Gran...