January BOM and Give Away!

PVQA January 2016 BOM- “Heart and modified 9 Patch Blocks”                   2 - 6.5” Unfinished

Details of the Give Away are at the bottom of the post!

This month’s BOM is actually 2 very simple blocks with a Valentine theme designed to work side by side!
I know it may seem a little early for Valentines, we've barely recovered from xmas!  But with a BOM you've got to anticipate the holiday or it will be gone before you know it!?

All fabrics need not be Valentine themed.  Simple matching V-Day colors are OK too.

Background fabric for the heart block and modified 9 patch can be the same or different, but both should be white with small print or white on white and have good contrast with the other fabrics. 

Applique fabric for the heart can be any fabric reminiscent of Valentines Day.

Center and corner fabrics for the modified 9 patch should be a dark or bright red print or tone on tone.

Background- cut 1- 6.5” square for Applique block and 4- 2” x 3.5” rectangles for the 9 patch block.

Applique Fabric- cut one heart shape from a 5" square of paper.  This is the Actual Finished size of the Heart so if you are going to needle turn your appliqué; add seam allowance.  Use a dab of glue stick to hold the paper to the fabric when tracing the shape, if needed.

Center and corner fabrics for the modified 9 patch- cut 1- 3.5” x 3.5” square and 4- 2” x 2” squares

Heart Block- You may use any technique of Applique you like to apply the heart shape to the background fabric.  My preference is to use a little acid free glue stick around the wrong side edge of the heart and then use a decorative machine stitch to sew it to the background.  To help place the Heart, fold the background fabric in half and then in half again.  Finger press these folds, then unfold.  The intersection of the fold lines is the center of the background and can be used to help place the applique. 

Modified 9 Patch Block-
1-Sew one 2” squares to each end of one of the 2” x 3.5” rectangles       
    = unit- 1.  Repeat    
 2- Sew 2 of the 2” x 3.5” rectangles to opposite sides of the 3.5” square = unit- 2

3- Sew one unit- 1 to opposite sides of unit     

 Hunting through my stash for Valentine motifs was a lot of fun!  I think you could whip up a whole bunch of these to make a Valentine quilt for someone you Love before Feb.14th!

Now For the Give Away, in honor of V-Day here are some pinks and hearts to help fill your Valentine stash! From left to right the lengths of yardage are: 1/4 , 1/4, 1/3, 1/2 and 1 = almost 2.5 yards of Fabric!  All you need to do to enter is leave a comment about your plans for Valentines Day! If you don't have any yet you can make something up!  And if you sign up to follow my blog by one of the choices in the side bar or if you already follow my blog leave a second comment and I will enter you twice in the drawing next week!
                                                       Have a Great Week!
                                                         Cheers, Claire W.


  1. El día de San Valentín pienso pasarlo junto a la compañía de mi esposo y mis dos hijos... Son las personas q más amo en este mundo!

  2. Claire, I already follow your blog on Blogspot. I really enjoy your ruminating about fabric

  3. For Valentine's Day, the kids and I will probably make tons of cards and bake cookies. I'll probably get flowers from my husband, and make something everyone likes, like homemade pizza, and a heart-shaped brownie. sarah@forrussia.org

  4. I just remembered that my blog name is an alias (riodelmartians), not my real name (Lise). Oh well..since Valentine's day is a Sunday I plan a morning stroll to breakfast.

  5. Hi... I have you marked as a favorite on my list that I check every day!

  6. This would make such a sweet baby quilt (or just a great gift for a friend). Love it.

  7. I will be visiting my daughter in Hawaii, so I'm thinking I'll be sitting on the sand and playing in the water!!


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