
Showing posts from May, 2016

PVQA May 2016 BOM- "May Flowers"

                                                                                                                                          10.5“ unfinished Fabrics - one light to medium solid green   - one print or batik etc. of any primary or secondary color except green Cut - 2 squares 6” each from the green solid - 2 squares 6” each from the print Sew / Cut 1- With right sides facing up stack the 6” squares; first a solid then the print, then solid then print.   You will have a stack of 4 – 6” squares all facing up . 2- Cut out the square template.   Do not cut the individual shapes yet! For fo...

Still in Ireland, Pix from Cliffs of Moher, Galway and Conemara

The Cliffs of Moher! This has got to be a scene from Harry Potter?! Looking back to the first shot (fourth out crop from the left). Next up Galway! Great history! Great pedestrian shopping streets! Great Bread (that's pretty much true everywhere in Ireland) I could not resist to put this in, The local Singer dealer! Galway's old port. Conemara coast.  The village of Roundstone. The village of Cliften viewed from above. Cliften castle, Looks like a midieval castle but it was built by some landed gentry in the early 1800's. View from the castle. Same view as above but closer. I've taken hundreds of pix but I tried to just give you a flavor of how beautiful the west coast and it's towns are! Cheers, Claire W.

Student's Finish

I taught my "Scrap Strategies" class last year For the Pacific Piecemakers in Gualala, CA. ( read about it here) .  It was a wonderful group of students, and a really fun class!  This week I was contacted by Patty Wolfe one of my students there who sent me a picture of her finished project along with a really nice note with a lot of positive feedback!   It's so great to get pix of finished projects that were started in one of my classes! Patty used some Dog fabric scraps mixed in with pix of her pooch to make a really nice  quilt to honor her miniature schnauzer, Kosmos!  It looks great!  Black, white, pink and red is always a great color scheme and the pix of Kosmos are adorable! MY apologies to Patty for first posting her name as Dean.  That is her husbands name, it was on the email address and that's what stuck in my head, but it is Patt'ys quilt that you view here.  Sorry for my confusion, just one more proof that getting old is not for the ...