Patty used some Dog fabric scraps mixed in with pix of her pooch to make a really nice quilt to honor her miniature schnauzer, Kosmos! It looks great! Black, white, pink and red is always a great color scheme and the pix of Kosmos are adorable!
MY apologies to Patty for first posting her name as Dean. That is her husbands name, it was on the email address and that's what stuck in my head, but it is Patt'ys quilt that you view here. Sorry for my confusion, just one more proof that getting old is not for the faint of heart!
Finishing is always a challenge and I don't expect every student to finish every project, but it's really nice to hear about it when they do! Thanks Patty!
Cheers, Claire W.
I so am so glad Dean shared her quilt with you, because I got to see it! She did a great job!