
Showing posts from November, 2016

PVQA November BOM 2016

This month's BOM has a Winter Theme.  Two-fabric quilt tops are not usually my thing but this indigo snowman fab with the Kona white seemed like a nice seasonal choice!  My first sample blocks used background fab that was tooooo busy (see last post). The secondary pattern in the corners really got lost, but with these two fabs in the block the pattern really  stands out! This block is kind of a variation of a "disappearing nine patch".  You sew some squares together and then cut and re-sew.  But in this case first you sew two large HST's,  instead of a nine patch.                                                                   Cut 2- 10" squares. Place the squares right sides together, press, draw a line diagonally, put a pin on either side of the line and sew like you wou...

Rainy weather allows for a lot of sewing!!

We spent almost two weeks at our cabin last month.  It was really nice but it did rain most days. I brought a variety of fabrics so's to have flexibility in projects depending on my mood... After the fun I had with the Halloween O's blocks made from 10" layer cake fabs ( read about that here )  I decided to try the O's in some vintage layer cake fabs.  I figured the layer cakes would provide a lot of variety without having to lug a boat full of fabrics on vacation.   These blocks are fun and easy to make but at 8" I've still got a ways to go before I have enough for a bed sized quilt.  And I did find that the colors in the layer cakes only went so far, so back to my stash I must go! After the vintage fun wore off I switched to this Dr. Seuss Fabrics.  Again I relied  on a charm packet  to give me some portable variety and with two yards of grey I whipped up a kid quilt.  These fabrics are so cute!!   Now back to...