Update on January Block of the Month
The drawing for these blocks was at our March general meeting. There were over 80 blocks turned in so we split the blocks 3 ways! I ended up taking home one set because one of the winners was not in attendance. If a person can't be at the meeting they can put in for the drawing as long as they turn in the block before the meeting. I played with the blocks a bit before delivering them to their winner. Here are some of the layouts that I came up with. If you are interesting in the source and constructions of these blocks go to: http://cspoonquilt.blogspot.com.es/2017/01/pvqa-january-block-of-month-2017.html And if you are looking for the April BOM instructions go to: http://cspoonquilt.blogspot.com.es/2017/04/pvqa-april-2017-bom-spring-baskets.html First up is the old random color scheme. There were 28 blocks total so I made it 4 x 7 blocks. Some of the possiblities would necessitate making a few more blocks but these blocks are so fun and ea...