
Showing posts from December, 2017

More Pix from the San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles

Here are some more pix from that wonderful show at the museum of Quilts and Textiles.  I lean toward the vintage examples but I've tried to include some of the more contemporary as well. I hope the Holiday crazies are keeping from your door but all the Joy is with you! cheers, Claire W.

San Jose Quilt's and Textiles Museum latest show

I actually got a couple of quilty gift type items finished this past week. One tree skirt that was particularly cute, but I was in such a sweat to get the durn thing off in the mail I forgot to take pix.  Well no matter.  It's times like these I take the opportunity to dig into my archives and share some of my vintage quilts. Well no matter,  I went to the SJ Quilt Quilts and textiles Museum yesterday and was totally wowed by the new show! Here for your viewing pleasure "Expressions of  Identity:  40th Anniversary Exhibition"   I will post more pix from the show in my next post. Have a great week! cheers, CW