
Showing posts from March, 2018

Flannel Progress

I got my Applique border figured out! I knew I wanted to have a vine so I looked at straight vs S shaped. Even tho' the S shape would be more work it definetly looked better. Here's how I make an S shaped vine without measuring. I cut a length of paper to match the border. I fold it over until I get something close to the interval I want. When the paper is folded I trim it to the same width as the border. I mark a line down the middle and draw a gentle S curve.  I just eye ball it.  The middle line helps me keep it symetrical.  Notice the top of the line defines the outside edge of the curve / vine.   Then I cut on that line. I lay the cut curve strip on the border fabric and lightly trace the curve onto the fabric.  The stright edge of the paper is the outside edge of the border as a guide. There are many ways to cut the vine.  This time I used extra wide bias strips,  folded them in half and folded the raw edges under...

Flanneling along....

The colors are a little off but this is what i've sewn so far..  I'm liken' it!  The outer beige border is calline for some (dare I say it?) Applique?!  I'm thinkin' it needs a vine with some flowers or something? This is going to slow me down, but that's OK.  I'd rather get it right (from my own perspective) than have it finished and say "darn I should a dun it that other way!" These are first world problems! Have a great weekend! cheers, CW

Flannel Quilt

While I've been posting all these Fair Pix I started a flannel quilt to use during the cold months...OK it is almost Spring but right now it's still pretty cold so I'm going-for-it. This was my start;  I had one piece of flannel that was big enough to go in the middle and a scrappy piece that I was able to cut out a number of various sized rectangles.  This project was really motivated by this charming print.  I just love it!   I found these pieces in the Bargain Garden (guild flea market).  It's got to be at least 20 years old.  I know this because I bought some at the local fabric store about 20 years ago.  I used it to back a kid quilt.  I always regretted not getting enough to make something for myself.  So when I saw this at the BG I snatched it right up! I've made some sewing progress, I'll post when I get some pix. Have a great week! Cheers, CW

A Few More BOM Finishes!

I was very happy to see some finished quilts in the show that were made by members who had won blocks during the time I was BOM chairperson!  It's always great to see what people do with their blocks. This first quilt is from November 2016 you can read about it here, This was a blue and white block but the touches of red around the sides is really effective!   The quilting incorporated snow flakes, it went well with the snowmen in the fabric! This next quilt was BOM in March 2017 read about it here Front   Back   This last quilt was Jan 2017 BOM, read about it here, This was the BOM   And then Heather used a whole other set of blocks for the second side.   The BOM quilts rarely come out looking ...

Quiltcon Pix #2

I was going to post pix of all the award quilts at Quiltcon but realized they're all on the Quiltcon web site and probably show off better than my pix so here's that link; If you have not visited MQG's webpage it's worth a visit and you can see all the latest in the 2018 show as well! My local guild's Quilt Show has always been the same weekend in Feb. as Quiltcon . So after a great visit to Quiltcon in Pasadena I got up at 6 AM on Sunday (the 25th) to drive home to see my home town show.  Here are some Pix of my fav's from Pajaro Valley Quilt Association (Santa Cruz County, California, USA) annual Quilt Fair! This was our donation quilt!  We actually ran out of tickets! It also won a ribbon at the County Fair! Made and donated by The Off Kilter Quilters! It was a great show (as usual)! Have a great week! cheers, CW