
Showing posts from April, 2018

New Sample for "Simple Modern Improv" class

I needed a quilty type gift for a friend who was turning 65 recently.  She has very Modern tastes in the interior design of her house so I gave her one of my Simple Modern Improv quilts.  But that left me a little short in samples for that class so I decided to whip up a few new samples!          One multi-colored color scheme... and one Yellow and grey  both a lot of fun to play with! I know I'm always going on about how easy (and fun) these improv quilts are to make , but it's really true!  I take one large length of background fabric and just start adding strips to make it wider and longer then add a few accents and Voila!  A nice modern lap quilt around 54" x 65" ish quilt top emerges!  I pretty much do it all on the sewing machine with maybe a little applique.  It really is fun, fast and easy. Happy Monday! cheers, CW

Visiting our Grand kids

We've been in Indiana visiting our son and his family the last couple of days.  The weather has been pretty nice, not all sun but not to cold.  My 4 1/2 year old Grand daughter Ari is very interested in crafts, drawing , painting etc.  And I thought I might get her started on a sewing project.  Something simple that we could sew together.  We talked about what might be an easy thing to sew like a purse or bag etc. and we decided on a simple Backpack. We went to Joanns and Ari picked out some Lion King fabric for the outside and a lavender calico for the lining.  It was soooo much fun to go fabric shopping with my Grand daughter!!!  She wanted to look at everything and touch all the different kinds of fabric.  A chip off the old block! As for the construction: I did the cutting and prepping and then I let Ari control the foot pedal with here foot  or hand while I guided the fabric to sew the main seams.  We did some practice first but...

Hot off the Design Wall

So those bright blocks on my design wall that were peeking out from behind the top quilt in my last post got put together, quilted and bound in record time.   I presented this quilt at NCQC (Northern California Quilt Council) at the April "Meet the Teachers" meeting.  The meeting is a chance for Teachers from all over Northern California to bring their samples to display.  Likewise Program people from guilds come from all over N. Cal to "Meet the Teachers" to see if they want to hire them for their Guild Programs.  I really wanted to get this Sampler quilt finished so I could pitch my new class "Free Form Curved piecing".  See earlier post here . I'm really liking this technique!  It's so much fun and quick and easy!!!  Some of these blocks were made in Jan. when I did a demo. of the Free Form method at the NCQC Jan. meeting  and some of those blocks are in this quilt.  But in order to have enough blocks for this Sampler I had to mak...

My Design Wall, I had to Laugh!

So!  I went to take a pic of the quilt in the middle of this photo thinking that I would simply crop out all the other projects, but when I went to look at it on my computer I had to laugh at all the layers of production that were going on.  Rather like an archeological dig through my sewing behavior. On top is the Finished quilt that I intended to show. The bright blocks peeking around the edges on the sides of the central quilt are some sampler blocks I've been working on intermittently while finishing the central project.  I posted something about this back in Jan.  I hope to finish this soon.... Then the borders for my Flannel project which I have not moved for fear I would abandon the project as soon as it was out of sight because I have taken on the daunting task (for me anyway) of Appliquéing these borders.  What was I thinking?! And finally on the top and to the right are some mostly solid squares for a modern quilt design that I have mostly los...

Revisiting an old BOM and More Flannel Progress

I bought a small scrap bag of Moda strips from Green Fairy recently.  They turned out to be a coordinated set of bright prints.  It just seemed perfect for a technique I used in a BOM that I published back in August 2016. It was really fun and easy and went together very quickly. I had planned on a layout like the original quilt (see below).  But I messed up the sequence so I just went with it. This is a great scrap buster and great for charitable quilts.  A lot of bang for your sewing time! I also managed to get another vine sewn for my Flannel quilt. I hope to get the other 2 sides sewn soon so I can get started on filling in all the spaces...the fun part! Have a great week! cheers, CW