Visiting our Grand kids

We've been in Indiana visiting our son and his family the last couple of days.  The weather has been pretty nice, not all sun but not to cold.  My 4 1/2 year old Grand daughter Ari is very interested in crafts, drawing , painting etc.  And I thought I might get her started on a sewing project.  Something simple that we could sew together.  We talked about what might be an easy thing to sew like a purse or bag etc. and we decided on a simple Backpack.
We went to Joanns and Ari picked out some Lion King fabric for the outside and a lavender calico for the lining.  It was soooo much fun to go fabric shopping with my Grand daughter!!!  She wanted to look at everything and touch all the different kinds of fabric.  A chip off the old block!

As for the construction: I did the cutting and prepping and then I let Ari control the foot pedal with here foot  or hand while I guided the fabric to sew the main seams.  We did some practice first but she listen to my instructions closely and we had the whole thing sewn in a short period of time,  It was really fun and I think she was really pleased with the result.
I patterned it after one of those light weight draw string bags but scaled it down in size to fit her back.

I forgot to get cording for the straps so I just made some from the excess fabric.  I think the lining will help give the bag a little more strength and body.
I would definitely make more of these bags for kids and adults as gifts.  I have one that I use when I travel and it is so useful.  And just think of how much fabric you can use up!  A real stash buster!
Have a great week!
cheers, CW


  1. What a brilliant idea, Claire. And what fun, with your GD!

  2. Fantastic project!! And you got to use the 930, at long last!!
    GREAT visit~~

  3. Very cool! and it's even quilted!


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