Revisiting an old BOM and More Flannel Progress

I bought a small scrap bag of Moda strips from Green Fairy recently.  They turned out to be a coordinated set of bright prints.  It just seemed perfect for a technique I used in a BOM that I published back in August 2016.

This is a great scrap buster and great for charitable quilts.  A lot of bang for your sewing time!
I also managed to get another vine sewn for my Flannel quilt.
I hope to get the other 2 sides sewn soon so I can get started on filling in all the spaces...the fun part!
Have a great week!
cheers, CW


  1. I love your quilt, from strips; so fun!

  2. I want to do this! How did I miss this the first time around?

  3. Hold on... are YOU doing applique??? Are you SICK???
    Love what you did with the new acquisition!!

  4. At first I thought these were handkerchief/housetop blocks then looked again. Mitered corners. Wow. Your scraps look great here. And I love the chunky vine.

  5. Like Ann I thought these were housetop blocks, but then she pointed out that they weren't - very clever way to use the scraps!


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