
Showing posts from August, 2018

A few more finishes...

These first two are nothing fancy, but I'm trying to stick to my schedule of charitable donations. This first one will probably go to Jacobs Heart. 42" x 50" The second one will go to Wheel Chair Bound Vets program.  36" x 48".  Both projects were started with orphan blocks from the Guild Flea Market.   This third quilt is for my younger grand daughter who just turned two!  Wouldn't you know,  she's a fan of Frozen just like her big Sister!   Simple quilts, simple pleasures! Have a great week! Cheers, CW

North West Recipes- Or what to do with 5 gallons of Blackberries!

I haven't done a lot of sewing since we got to the cabin 'cause my kids and g-kids were all visiting over Fri. toTues.  But since we had a whole lot of people here I've been doing A LOT of cooking! We have many favorite recipes for the cabin.  Several focusing on the wild Black Berries that grow abundantly all around our cabin this time of year.  And since Berry picking is a favorite activity of the young and old a like I had more than enough berries to make 3 batches of jam, 2 crisps and a buckle!  So here are some recipes that I highly recommend and I hope you enjoy! First up is Black Berry Crisp,  This is about as tasty (and simple) as a confection can be.  There's at least 40 variations on the web but I stumbled across Chef John's recipe and I really like it. The link is below the picture.  h ttps://

Three quilts done!

I was motivated to get out some tops this week and get them quilted because we are leaving for our cabin and I wanted some new quilts to decorate the beds with!  Mind you two of these tops had been sitting around FOR YEARS!  Amazing what a little external motivation can do for my productivity!  These first two quilts are part of a series of scrappy flannel quilts.  I keep going back to my flannel scraps thinking this will be the last one.  I love this west coast map fabric.  Who'd of thought to make flannel map fabric?!   I quilted the flannel tops with 1.5" parallel lines but I think I will go back and quilt more lines on the diagonal to make "hanging diamonds".  Here I lay some threads down to give an idea of what it would look like.   This quilt is more straight forward.  Randy (Barrister's Block/ gave me a lot of these scraps.   The fishing theme is very apropos' since our cabin is on Hoo...

Indiana State Fair- Quilt exhibits

We are out here visiting are son and his family who live in Avon Indiana.  And by chance our visit coincides with the State Fair in Indianapolis!  I have lived in California most of my 64 years and I have never been to the State Fair so I was really excited to go today. It was fabulous and of courses the biggest treat of all (besides getting to hang out with my g-kids watching them have fun) was going to the Arts Building to see the quilts!   Best of Show!   Amazing!!! This one looked like an original design.   There were a lot of examples of really fancy Longarm quilting.   I liked this one a lot!   Great red and white sampler! The quilting on this one was fabulous.  I think that's what the ribbon was for?!  Sadly the signage was very poor. I liked this use of neck ties!  Check the lower right, it reads "Stan the Man"!  There was a lot of nice applique too. There were about 40 some quil...