A good week of Sewing!

Motivated by some pending Births I got a few baby quilts made. That's always fun! This first one was made from leftovers... from this project. I actually had to buy the pink border fab. I have a whole stash of pink fab but nothing seemed to fit grrrr. The blue would have worked like the first quilt ( and I have a lot of it) but this baby is a girl so off to the fabric store I went. This second one is still a top but I have plenty of time to finish it since the baby is not due 'til Feb. Simple but sweet, also a color scheme for a baby girl. I also dredged out this UFO. It started with an Orphan project I found in the Guild Flea Market. A whole stack of 9 patches and some fussy cut geisha fabric cut the same size as the 9 patches. It was an interesting puzzle, fun to piece. A bit busy but it will make a good charity quilt. This last project was a top that has been waiting to be quilted for awhile. ...