
Showing posts from October, 2018

A good week of Sewing!

Motivated by some pending Births I got a few baby quilts made.  That's always fun!  This first one was made from leftovers... from this project.  I actually had to buy the pink border fab.  I have a whole stash of pink fab but nothing seemed to fit grrrr.  The blue would have worked like the first quilt ( and I have a lot of it) but this baby is a girl so off to the fabric store I went.   This second one is still a top but I have plenty of time to finish it since the baby is not due 'til Feb. Simple but sweet, also a color scheme for a baby girl. I also dredged out this UFO.  It started with an Orphan project I found in the Guild Flea Market.  A whole stack of 9 patches and some fussy cut geisha fabric cut the same size as the 9 patches.  It was an interesting puzzle,  fun to piece.  A bit busy but it will make a good charity quilt. This last project was a top that has been waiting to be quilted for awhile. ...

More PIQF Pix

There were lots of Modern quilts in the Festival this year.  Here's a sampling. I really liked this large scale LOVE quilt it is bed size!  Wouldn't that make a great wedding gift type quilt!   Have a great weekend! cheers, CW

Pacific International Quilt Festival 2018

 I managed to attend PIQF last week.  What a Show!  I always like to start in the far corner from the entrance where it's not so crowded.  That is generally where the International Quilts are displayed.  Here's a little sample. Quite a variety of themes, techniques and craftsmanship! There were quite a number of environmental / nature themed quilts.  I counted at least 5 Bee themed quilts (as a bee keeper I keep an eye out for such things) ther were also several Monarch Butterfly themed quilts.  It's nice to see so much awareness of such topics! There must have been at least 700 quilts on display, not including the vendors displays!  I'll post more later in a couple of days. Have a great week! Cheers, CW