Happy Holidays!

Goodness Gracious!  It's been almost a month since my last post!  Where has the time gone?! I have actually done a lot of sewing!  But since Hanukah is almost over I will share this picture.
 Since my grand daughters live far away and mailing a lot of packages would be expensive I make them a little Hanukah 'bootie' bag. They are only 5 and 2 1/2 years old so I send them simple little gifts like sea shells, hair bows, buttons,  Dreidels and a bit of chocolate.  Each night of Hanukah they can reach in the bag without looking and feel around for that evening's gift. 

I thought I'd also share these pictures.  We finally got some rain and we've had some spectacular Rainbows!
 You can just see the second rainbow outside the first?  It was actually much more vivid but my camera skills could not catch it.  The arch of the rainbow went all the way across the sky it was amazing!

I will share some of my finishes next time.
'Til then However you celebrate the winter Holidays may they be Joyful!
cheers, CW


  1. Your booty bags are great and perfect for your grands. You and I have the same problem with photographing rainbows...the camera just can't get the colors as vivid as our eyes, but that doesn't stop your pictures from being beautiful!!

  2. What a great idea for the little ones! Enjoy your special time of the year as well.


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