Some finishes!

May was a pretty productive sew month for me, but since I've been traveling I haven't had much  chance to post pix.

I always have tops waiting around to be quilted.  I decided I needed to work on that waiting list!.

This one is big 58" x 68"  that's the dimension that Hospice requests for the campers at Camp Erin.  A program for kids who have family members who've been touched by Cancer.

The flannel patches were a Flea Market find.  I Love those 'Pre-cuts'!

I backed this quilt with a plaid fleece.  thought it made a good match with the front.
This quilt is 36" x 48"  The size requested for the Wheel Chair Bound Vets.  The fabrics in this quilt were from the leftovers of a layer Cake from one of those Civil War lines.
The blocks of this last quilt were made by the students of a 5th grade class at Green Acres Elementary School.  I was the Science/ Garden teacher there for awhile many years ago  I still get requests from friends there to quilt the occasional quilt project.
Hand work like sewing is a challenge for most of these kids.  Most of them have no experience sewing, at all!
  My friend Jackie (also a former teacher at Green Acres)  helped supervise the kids and put the top together. Jackie said it was quite a trick getting everything to line up.
But it's really a charming quilt if you don't mind a few shaved off points!
I think the kids agreed to donate it to Jacob's Heart.
It was fun to quilt!
Lots of fun prints and color combinations!
I pieced the back together with this colorful sarong and the orange and aqua fabs.
That's the last of that orange fabric.  I got a bunch of it from the Flea Market and I've used it in 3 different kid's quilts recently.  I love all the colors in that sarong!
It's another sunny day here,  better go out and get some weeds pulled!
Happy Sunday!
cheers, CW


  1. Great quilts! It’s fun to see a quilt made by kids. Who cares about less than perfect points? Not I, said the little red hen! Good on you getting all this quilting done.

  2. Great quilts, Claire - all of them! Of course that C.W. one is right up my ally, and gives me an idea for what to do with some pre-cuts of my own. You won't mind if I steal your idea, will you? ;-)

  3. What a great collection of quilts. I like less than perfect points and I really like that kids are being taught to sew.

  4. Thanks to you all! Points Schmoints (to borrow a phrase from a Bridge book) They really don't need to be perfect!


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