A different set of Orphan Blocks

In contrast to my last post the next set of Orphan Blocks I tackled were these very pretty very well made collection. I can hardly believe someone gave these blocks away? Lucky me!!! I think they must have been made by a sew-along group because most of the blocks had names pinned to them and they were very uniform and well made. Most of the blocks were made in a very tight range of colors suggesting some specific communication amongst the sewers. At any rate it was a pleasure to sew them together and didn't they make a pretty top? I really like block patterns that make a secondary pattern when you put the blocks together! And the colors in these blocks really add some sparkle! Wouldn't it be nice if all blocks fit together so nicely! Well with all these tops getting finished (and all the other tops floating around my sewing room) I'd better get cracking on the Long Arm to have some Real finishes! Have a great Weekend! cheers...