
Showing posts from July, 2019

A different set of Orphan Blocks

In contrast to my last post the next set of Orphan Blocks I tackled were these very pretty very well made collection.  I can hardly believe someone gave these blocks away?  Lucky me!!! I think they must have been made by a sew-along group because most of the blocks had names pinned to them and they were very uniform and well made.  Most of the blocks were made in a very tight range of colors suggesting some specific communication amongst the sewers. At any rate it was a pleasure to sew them together and didn't they make a pretty top? I really like block patterns that make a secondary pattern when you put the blocks together!  And the colors in these blocks really add some sparkle! Wouldn't it be nice if all blocks fit together so nicely! Well with all these tops getting finished (and all the other tops floating around my sewing room)  I'd better get cracking on the Long Arm to have some Real finishes!   Have a great Weekend! cheers...

Origins of Orphan blocks aka I had to laugh!

Thanks to all the folks who left such kind and encouraging comments on my last post.  FYI  I don't get get notices in my email anymore so I have left my return comments in the comments area as well. In my last post I mentioned that I received not only single blocks as "Thank You" blocks but some people gave me whole stacks of blocks. Enough to make a quilt top from one bundle! Some looked like they were from Swaps  (they had names pinned to different blocks etc,) and some I recognized as former BOM blocks from my Guild. But when I came across the bundle of the blocks pictured here I had to laugh because these blocks were from a BOM that I was responsible for! What kind of message was being sent here?  I don't remember who won the blocks we have 250 members in our guild and it was almost 4 years ago. Did the giver remember that this block idea originate with me?  Or was it just a disconnect?  I suppose I could have been offended but the truth is, ei...

The Glories of Orphan Blocks aka What a mess!!!

It is a tradition in my local Guild to make Thank You blocks at the end of our fiscal year (June) for those people on the Board who have had the most Challenging jobs; Pres. VP. BOM etc.   Since I was chief cook and Bottle washer for the Quilt Show this year my fellow Guild members were ready to make me Blocks of my choice,  but I decided to ask for Orphan Blocks instead.  I know that sounds a bit risky but I really enjoy putting these Orphans together to make Charitable quilts.  It's fun and challenging and really less work than trying to come up with projects of my own concoction. So here they are in all their Eclectic glory!  I know, What a mess!  But there is a method in my madness!  Just like any task in organizing:  start by separating things by their similarities and differences. For example: All the Blue and Gold blocks. All the 6" stars, there are about 15 of them! And My favorite, Yucky Brown blocks.  I got a W...

What size should a baby quilt be?

We had a conversation about size for Baby quilts at the All Stars charitable small quilt group recently.  They said 38" square was the smallest size for a baby quilt.  But I made this quilt from some orphan blocks awhile back and it's only 36" square,  I think that's an OK size for a new baby.  I was looking at some of my g-kids baby quilts and I don't think they are any bigger and the girls still drag them around and use them to snuggle all the time. The center is made of 4 foundation pieced blocks with machine zig zag stitch to hold the scraps down.  I thought they were quite charming. As usual I used flannel on the back to make it extra cozy.   I hope you all have a wonderful 4th of July! cheers, CW