A different set of Orphan Blocks

In contrast to my last post the next set of Orphan Blocks I tackled were these very pretty very well made collection.  I can hardly believe someone gave these blocks away?  Lucky me!!!

I think they must have been made by a sew-along group because most of the blocks had names pinned to them and they were very uniform and well made.  Most of the blocks were made in a very tight range of colors suggesting some specific communication amongst the sewers.

At any rate it was a pleasure to sew them together and didn't they make a pretty top?
I really like block patterns that make a secondary pattern when you put the blocks together! 
And the colors in these blocks really add some sparkle!
Wouldn't it be nice if all blocks fit together so nicely!
Well with all these tops getting finished (and all the other tops floating around my sewing room)  I'd better get cracking on the Long Arm to have some Real finishes!  
Have a great Weekend!
cheers, CW


  1. They are beautiful blocks, Claire! And for sure, the secondary pattern makes the blocks all the better. There are so many things to love about them -- the colors, the combination of colors, the fabrics, the block pattern itself.... Lucky you to get to play with them and make a quilt. Are the blocks 12"?

    1. Thanks Nancy! Yes I'm pretty sure they are 12". I'm thinking I will need to make a small border to make it large enough for Camp Erin camper's size (about 50" x 65"). cheers!

  2. Hey Claire, I found your blog! I went back to read your original "orphan block" request post. Good for you for rescuing otherwise discarded orphans. I love this one!

    1. Thanks Wendy! It really is fun and it motivates me to have stuff that needs rescuing!

  3. Excellent, Claire! Wow. You're coming up with some great quilts! And these are from orphan blocks?!? Now I feel guilty about the crummy - truly orphan - blocks I gave you. But no doubt you'll make something fabulous with those, too!

    1. Hey Sandy, it's all good! I have a huge pile of 'vintage' blocks I have plans for. I suspect yours are in there waiting their turn!

  4. WOW! can't believe someone didn't put those together... But their giveaway is your gain. Beautiful job and I also love the secondary patterns made by putting blocks together.
    have a great trip up to the cabin!

  5. These are lovely blocks. Lucky for you someone didn't want them. :-)

  6. Been enjoying seeing the orphans go together. These blocks are fabulous together!

  7. Thanks Audrey, Yes they really are amazing!


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