
Showing posts from August, 2019

Block of The Every Other Month- September - October 2019

Besides my Traditional Quilt Guild I also belong to my local Modern Quilt Guild called South Bay Area Modern Quilt Guild (SBAMQG).   SBAMQG has a block of the Every Other Month program.  I volunteered to provide the design and instructions for the September Block. I looked at some of the past Months designs.  A lot of the recent designs were on the  improv  side so I thought it might be a nice change of pace to offer some Traditional piecing with a Modern twist. The color palette is voted on by the members attending the previous Month's general meeting. Here were the choices: The majority voted for the color group on the right. I decided to make it easy for everyone (including myself) and use the Go-To Modern background of plain white / off white with all solid colors! Here's the block which measures 8.5" unfinished. It's not complicated.  It's really just a 4 patch- in 4patch.  But the diagonal spine has endless possibilit...

Where did the week go?

I've been doing a lot of sewing but the only thing close to a finish this week is this Eye Spy quilt which is now quilted!  Just needs a binding and it will be ready to go.  I think it's going to be a baby gift but I wanted to consult with the prospective Grandma first as to the suitability.  I don't know her daughter's tastes that well.  And I don't think the gender has been announced yet?!  Altho'  I think this could be Gender neutral....  We shall see! Have a great week! cheers, CW

Another Orphan Project

The center of this piece was given to me almost done.  I just sewed up a few of the central seams and then added the strip on the left to make the borders the same size.  But it needed to be bigger so I added the blue border and started making little scrappy units to mimic the blocks in the middle. But some how I got some of my pieces to these four patches turned around... Where does my mind go ?!  Well, happily I realized that I only needed the 4 patches to be 6" wide so the length of the units could be shorter and I could salvage these wonky blocks with a little trimming! Red crumbs anyone?! We were at the cabin last week,  just got home Friday.  We had many beautiful sunny days there and came home to overcast drizzle.  But I should not complain,  we've got a lot of yard work to do having been gone 2.5 weeks.  So overcast is good.  Gotta go dig up the bearded  irises.  It's that time of year! Have a great week! ch...

Liberated UFO finish and a little more

So here's how the Liberated UFO turned out.  It measures about 53" by 68" so it's a good size for a Camp Erin quilt.  Camp Erin is a Summer camp for kids who are in some way impacted by Cancer.  Hospice which runs the camp requests Quilts of about this size so they fit well on the bunk beds for the kids.  And the kids get to take their quilts home. Now usually when I finish a top like this where I've Struggled a lot over the design I take all the leftovers and associated yardage and put it in basket and shove it where I don't have to look at it for awhile.  But for some reason I got a flea in my ear and started in the next day sewing all the leftover bits and blocks together.  I even worked through lunch 'cause I thought if I stopped I would never start it up again.  So I just kept sewing until I got it done!!! I was kind of channeling my inner Gypsy Wife?! OK it's kind of a scrappy mess but I think it will make a decent lap quilt for donati...

Liberated UFO

A bit of a departure from my latest projects but the central piecework with a pile of fabric has been siting around for about 7 years. I'm not sure what prompted me to dig it out?!  Sometimes I think projects reach their own Critical mass and send out some vibe.  It is mysterious!  At any rate As I was browsing my UFO baskets trying to decide what projects to take on vacation My hand hovered over this rather large pile of fabrics and something clicked. The thought passed through my brain.... I did not have to be stuck in / with my original vision for this group of fabrics. I Could just make something else with them! After all it had been 7 years waiting to be made up into the original idea and that had not happened?!                                                       So into the suit case it went.     ...