Sunday, August 18, 2019

Another Orphan Project

The center of this piece was given to me almost done.  I just sewed up a few of the central seams and then added the strip on the left to make the borders the same size.  But it needed to be bigger so I added the blue border and started making little scrappy units to mimic the blocks in the middle.
But some how I got some of my pieces to these four patches turned around...
Where does my mind go ?!  Well, happily I realized that I only needed the 4 patches to be 6" wide so the length of the units could be shorter and I could salvage these wonky blocks with a little trimming!
Red crumbs anyone?!
We were at the cabin last week,  just got home Friday.  We had many beautiful sunny days there and came home to overcast drizzle.  But I should not complain,  we've got a lot of yard work to do having been gone 2.5 weeks.  So overcast is good.  Gotta go dig up the bearded  irises.  It's that time of year!
Have a great week!
cheers, cw

1 comment:

  1. Seeing all your orphan projects has inspired me to dig into my box and play!

    I have lots of yard work and I haven't even gone anywhere! I just divided lots of daylilies and hostas and oh my aching back!
