Splicing border prints
When Randy (Barrister's block) and I went to Maine in June, Wendy (the Constant Quilter) who is a most wonderful hostess directed us to her friend Cindy who has great quilt shop, Busy thimble , in Litchfield, Maine . Cindy was having her annual 30% off sale and she has a fabulous range of fabrics! Randy and I definitely spent more than a few pennies! Lucky me I found an old French Laundry Fab that made a perfect match to a center of one of my UFOs. And it was on sale!!!! The print has two distinct bar prints running the length of the fabric. Being the thrifty person I am I did not want to have to cut 4 full bars to make everything match so I ended up splicing the last border so's to conserve fabric (for what project I have no idea). So here's an easy accurate way to splice a border pattern: First I looked at each end of the cut fabric to see which end might have a better "match". This one was pretty close. I folded and ...