
Showing posts from October, 2019

Just in Time!

My goal for this week:  the next border for this one DONE! HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!!!!! Cheers!  CW

Special Community Quilt

 I forgot that I had signed up to quilt this quilt for a special exhibit at the Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History.  Consequently not much UFO sewing last week! But quilting this quilt was a great experience.  The exhibit is called "We're Still Here" or " Segui'mos Aqui".  It is an exhibit to help focus the struggles of Seniors in our community through Art and Stories,  and suggestions on how we can help. Our guild set up a table with fabric squares, glue sticks, markers and relevant fabric prints that people could use to design their own squares expressing some aspects of what community means to them.  Then our guild members helped sew everything down.  There will be 5 quilts total produced.  Various Long-armers in the community volunteered to quilt these quilts during the exhibition. This one that I quilted is #4. Here's the label.  I think all of these quilts will be put into the permanent collection of the Museum. I confess...

One Finished Finish and some Tops finished

I've kind of been balancing larger projects with smaller ones so this week I finished quilting and binding this baby quilt.  The genesis of this project was finding those cute flannel squares in the guild flea market.  Easy peasy, it will make a nice donation quilt. I used this wonderful snoopy flannel for the backing.  It's really soft.  Perfect for a baby! I also finished a few tops!  Some how putting on borders is a challenge for me so I have a lot of projects that are waiting for borders.  Hopefully I can get them quilted pretty quick now that they are finished! I added the blue strips to the top and bottom and the yellow flower print (an old skirt) all the way around.  I thought it matched the vintage blocks pretty well.  This quilt had a lot of structural problems starting with the piecing.   I wondered if it was even worth salvaging these orphan blocks they were so wonky and rather loosely hand pieced. ...