Monday, November 18, 2019

Another Community quilt

I finish quilting another quilt for the exhibit "We're Still Here" at the Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History.  It is a great exhibit that highlights the struggles of Senior Citizens in our Community (( read more about it in the first post here.) 
There  more personal art work and faces in this one,   That proved to be more challenging I did not want to mess it up.  I tried to take the approach that less is more.  Here are some examples:
I thought this first one was amazing!

Well I'm not sure I did all the patches justice but I needed to get it Done.   I couldn't ponder each individual square for toooo long.  There are 180 - 6" patches.
It was fun but I'm glad it's Done!!!
Have a great week!
cheers, CW


  1. Excellent job, Claire!
    (weren't some of these quilts hanging in out quilt show last February?)

    1. I don't thinks so but I will definitely talk to Helen about displaying some of these quilts for 2020. cheers!

  2. The quilt looks great! You give so much to the community with your quilting.
