
Showing posts from February, 2021

PVQA 2021 Vitual Quilt Show

Last Year my local Quilt Guild's February Quilt Show just squeaked by the March Covid lockdown.   Initially I thought the Covid virus would be resolved by Fall of 2020 and our 2021 show would go on as usual. HA!   But there were people in the guild with more foresight and they hatch an alternative plan.  I am thankful to their vision and grateful for their technological skills! Here's the link to our web page for your convenience: I hope you enjoy the Show! I've included a picture of our Opportunity quilt to peak your curiosity! "Light Shines Through" A good thought for these hard times! Happy weekend! take care, cw

A Sampler of a Different Color!

In  contrast to the Sampler I showed in my last post, which I would describe as very traditional,  this collection of blocks is any thing but!    Most of the blocks came together as one donation and tho' some of the blocks were quite traditional in pattern... Some of them were definitely Not traditional... But the blocks had some Unity in that the striped fabric in the above picture was in every block and the color scheme generally pulled from the colors in that fabric. There were 12  donated blocks.   I had to come up with 4 more that would jive with the original 12  in order to make  a 4 x 4 block layout.  I found 3 blocks in my orphans stash that I thought worked OK and then I constructed one that kind of mimicked the style of one of the existing blocks.  Can you tell the extras from the original 12? Oddly enough the extras form the second column from the left.  I did not really notice that 'til I looked at the photo.  ...

Old Blocks, New Life

Another group of 'related UFO blocks probably dating from the mid-70's?!  Ah yes, 'dusty' blue and pink calicos. I got them put together to this point last April with the intention of making a Hospice lap quilt and then I lost interest.  Since this top was 50" square I thought with a few borders it would make a nice bed quilt to donate to the next CZU quilt giveaway. The problem with blocks this old;  it's hard to find fabrics that jive with the fabrics in the blocks to make borders.  I dug deep into my stash and found the light print for the first border.  I thought it matched the background muslin pretty well.  The light blue calico  (2nd border) has probably been in my stash for at least ten years and matched those blues pretty well.  The dark blue calico was a flea market find which turned out to be enough for the outer border and the binding!!  That brought the overall size to 87" square! I quilted it really simply.  In-the-ditch fo...