Pictorial Crazy Quilts

I find these pictorial fabrics fascinating. Barbara Brackman recently wrote a post on some really outstanding examples of some late 1800's pictorial cretone crazy quilts. The link is below. http://barbarabrackman.blogspot.com/2021/05/pictorial-crazy-quilts-in-cretonne.html As they say a picture is worth a thousand words and in these quilts the fabric tells many stories about the history and the esthetics of their times. I particularly like the one showing Oscar Wilde with his signature sunflower in this quilt. Here's a closer look. Sorry it's not a great picture being blown up like that but you can see the figures and get the flavor of Oscar Wilde's 'dandy' posture and sunflower. There are several more patches in this quilt below that show Oscar with red background (upper left and lower right). Be sure to check out Barbara's post to see some more or these wonderful quilts. I would love to make a quilt in this 'flav...