Some Finishes...

I managed to get some tops quilted in the past couple of weeks.  The two baby quilt tops I made in October were quilted and one is now bound and sent to the new baby!  Here it tis'
The prints are sooooo cute and they are all lovely soft flannels!

I found a nice soft flannel in my stash for the backing,  It was a great match for the colors and textures of the front!
The second baby quilt is quilted and prepped for binding.  Another flannel project with really cute prints.
I quilted both quilts with lots of simple fun doodles appropriate to the projects.
                                       And this flannel plaid was a perfect match for the backing!
Prior to this flurry of quilting there was a quilt top that had been sitting pinned on the frame for a Very long time!  The baby quilts needed quilting and that motivated me to get this top quilted to make way for the baby quilts.  Whatever it takes, right?!
I wasn't super jazzed by this top when I finished it back in May 2020.  So it sat for awhile.   It's twin size so it will make a decent donation to the new Women's Shelter in Watsonville.  They are requesting Twin size.
I quilted it with an All over doodle that's fun and easy...
I've got the bindings already to go so I think I can get these all wrapped up by the end of the month!
I'm still having trouble getting motivated but I'm working on it!
I hope you all have wonderful Holidays!
take care, CW


  1. Great quilts Claire, I especially love the one you made for the women’s shelter. I’ll have to look into that - I’d love to make a quilt or three for them.


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