Most Influential Class

Blog O' Day Challenge - day 11

  I'm Participating in the Blog- o' -Day Challenge here's a link back to for the link-up;

 Most Influential Class

When I first got really serious about quilting in the mid 1990's I took every class I could fit in my schedule.. I took a lot of classes mostly to learn techniques , not necessarily to make whatever the quilt,  that was the end product;   It became clear pretty quick that if I kept going like that I would end up with a lot of UFOs.  So I decided to take the same basket of fabric to a number of classes so that all the different things I was making would coordinate in Color.

During this time I was lucky enough to take a 2 day workshop with Ruth McDowell called "Planning for Piecing".  She reviewed a whole list of techniques that she uses to make her incredible Art quilts and then let use loose to apply the techniques to whatever drawing we had brought.  I still have the drawing that I brought to class.  I did not get very far with it but I use all those techniques all the time.  It really gave me confidence to tackle whatever piecing challenge I wanted.  So armed with what I learned in Ruth's class and my basket of random units from different classes I made this quilt.


This represents three classes beside Ruth's.  The drunkard path blocks was one class,  the New York beauties was another and the border pieces was a third.   I learned a lot making this quilt.  It was the beginning of a long series of Composite quilts that I'm still working on now like the one I posted a pic of a couple of days ago...

I've done some work on it since that last picture.  I think I might get it done this month!  Yipee!
Have a great Saturday!
take care, cw


  1. I love your quilts! Taking a class with Ruth would be awesome! I haven't taken any classes so that speaks to my self-taught collection of books :) I have started thinking about taking classes now that I can take an online class with almost anyone!

  2. Great quilts and lucky you to take a class from Ruth Mcdowell! I love, love, love the one you are working on now! Love the heart in the middle.


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