8 foot Foxglove, Oh My!
We've been gone to the Northwest (Olympic Peninsula) for vacation with our family! It was great fun, lots of hikes and seafood and it rained! Our neighbors complained that it had been a very wet cold May. It was hard to be sympathetic coming from drought stricken California, wawawa... We were very surprised at the amazing field of foxglove that had grown up on this hillside near our cabin since we were last there. Here's my husband providing context for just how tall some of these plants are! The hill was actually logged last year. Which is probably why the foxglove have taken over. All that sunshine! It's hard to get a shot of the whole view, but the hill was just covered with these beautiful flowers! It was the lowest Tide of the year while we were there. Fun to go out on the mud flat and dig for clams. We went up to Mt. Walker to get a great view of the Olympics. v After the grand kids went home I even had a little time for ...