Quiltcon Pix #1
I'm back home! I had a wonderful time at QUILTCON and my head is full of lots of ideas and information. I have so many pix to share! This first category of quilts was my favorite and (to me) the most interesting! There were well over 50 quilts in the Charitable Challenge. Modern Quilt Guilds from all over North American and some from overseas responded to the challenge to make a Charitable quilt (to be donated to the Charity of their choice) of an original Modern design using this limited palette. One was more spectacular than the next! The juxtaposition of so many large quilts from such a wide spread number of groups all focused on the same basic challenge was fascinating! It was an interesting visual commentary on both the talent and charity of quilters in general. Here is a sampling of about half of what I saw. In most cases for the sake of Brevity I have included only the name of the group and the title. But I did take pix of...