Experiment with quilt patterns

When I'm working on a big quilt top sometimes I make a small version of the top to experiment with the quilting.  The big top isn't finished yet but the basic idea looks like this only bigger with lots more squares and colors.
I saw somewhere on the internet (sorry I don't remember where) a quilt that had been quilted with this kind of pattern.  So I thought I'd try it out on my sample quilt. 
The good thing about this kind of straight line pattern is that it can all be done using the channel lock on my long arm.  A channel lock blocks the long arm from rolling back and forth so it only moves from left to right across the top in a straight line.  It's really easy, but it does require turning the quilt and re-pinning  it on the frame in order to get straight lines in both axis.  And it takes a bit of fussing to get the straight lines going parallel.  But once that's done it's a breeze!
This was a small quilt 36" x 48".  I might be singing a different tune when I try this trick with a big quilt, say 90" x 90".
We shall see....
Have I great Week!
I know I will I'm off to QuiltCon!!
Cheers, CW


  1. Just love your crisp looking quilt...marvelous quilting!

  2. Fun quilting!! It is hard to pin perfectly straight to get your quilting lines to stay parallel with your blocks, but being very careful definitely produces great results!!

  3. I do like the way your seams and quilting lines complement each other. Thanks for the explanation of your process. No matter how straight I try to be on my domestic, the lines still meander down the length of the quilt. But I think if it like bacon: I've burned bacon for so many years that I like it that way now. Ha.

  4. Your quilting really compliments the quilt. Have fun at QuiltCon!


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