More Boats!

Christine H. from the UK sent me this picture recently to share yet another application of the boat block!  In the original quilt the blocks were set with no sashing and a half block drop.  Christine set her's as a quarter block drop.  I think this setting works really well.  It makes the space around the boats more interesting!  Christine is donating this quilt to Project Linus!  Thanks for sharing your pic of this lovely quilt, Christine!
I will be posting pix of Quiltcon.  but I'm having difficulty getting the photos downloaded from my iphone to my computer.  Grrrr!  Anybody have that problem?
Well I'll get my IT (my son) right on that and get back to you.
Have a great weekend!
cheers, CW


  1. Very sweet quilt! There will be a child who will treasure this quilt.

  2. Can't wait to see your pictures fro QuiltCon.
    If you have an Apple computer and an Apple phone, you can transfer the pictures very easily from one device to the other. Otherwise you have to email it to yourself.
    VERY tedious!

  3. I really love this boat pattern made up of solid fabric boats. So much more fun looking than the rather traditional blue/white and red or yellow ones!

  4. Thanks for pointing out the block drop. It's easy to forget other layouts when we get so focused on a few ways.

  5. Claire, I saw your sailboat quilt auctioned at the PVQA show yesterday. It looked great and raised money for a good cause! So many cool quilts made from your pattern.


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