Fearless Quilters!

I visited the Amador Valley Quilters this past weekend.  What a great group they are!  Their Guild meeting is on Sat. afternoons and perhaps that contributes to a really nice turn out of their membership.  They have a really well organized meeting. Lots of different activities /programs that the membership can take part in.  A huge Charitable group where they make upwards of 900 charitable quilts a year!   It's always fun to see how other Guilds run their meetings.  I always pick up good ideas to take home to my guild.  And it's always fun to share my Trunk Show!

On Sunday I taught a Class I've been calling "Simple Modern Improv".  I've taught a lot of design oriented classes over the years and sometimes students are a little nervous.  Making their own designs rather than following a pattern is challenging, but my students yesterday were fearless.  They all jumped right in and the results were really inspiring! 
A lot of the students wanted to learn my technique for adding a large curvy element to their tops but gave it their own spin and some students made completely original designs!  
I just love everyones results!
Kathy chose vintage fabrics and a doily.  I wouldn't have thought that combo would work but it was wonderful! 
The mono-chrome curved strip in Barb's top is calm and beautiful. She's auditioning some other shapes to balance her composition on the right 

Maria's background fabric compliments the colors of the strips and the change in their widths creates a lot of interest.  Maria's still working on some other ideas to balance the rest of the space.

Jeanne used up a lot of scraps to make her curved strip and she balanced it wonderfully with the rectangle and circle!

Joanne has taken the curved strip to a whole other level, I can't wait to see what she does with it! 
Teresa's a relatively new quilter. Her main goal was to learn how to make this curved unit.  She made it extra wide so it could stand alone to complete her design!  I Love the colors, it looks great Teresa!!  Brava! 
Barbra has come up with a completely original design!  Do you see the Hop scotch?
So clever and great colors! 
Rebecca chose some beautiful batiks to construct her curved strip she's got some great ideas  as to how to balance it on the left!
Maya came up with a completely original composition!  I love the diagonal bricky unit it's very dynamic and creates a lot of interest!  And I love the color scheme too!  Maya has plans for the upper right area,  it will be fun to see how she finishes this wonderful top! 
Sue chose a colorful single print for her curved strip and I think it really works well!  She balanced it 
with the other various width strips really nicely.

All in all I think it was an extremely productive day.  It was such a pleasure working with this group, they were all so talented and willing to try new things!
And when my students are happy with their results,  that really makes my day!

As I was prepping for the class I realized a more accurate title might be "Minimalist Improv" and when I asked the class they agreed,  so I'm re-naming!

                                                            Happy Quilting, CW


  1. Some of them look like curved edge Chinese Coins (which I know I have on the brain these days.) Isn't it exciting people want to take your workshop! And even better when their results come out so well. Congratulations, Claire.

    1. Thanks, Ann, Sometimes design classes are a challenge to fill. I feel really fortunate that this class was a "go". It is challenging to teach but when it "clicks" it so much fun!

  2. Wow! That kind of improv makes me nervous too. I always think I'm going to waste precious fabric. You must be a great teacher!

    1. Thanks, Cathy, Well I have to say this was a wonderful group of students. And we had a lot of fun!!

  3. Wow! How cool to get a group who were so happy to jump in.


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