
Showing posts from March, 2021

Another Quirky Old Quilt

 I have not posted many Quirky Old Quilts lately.  I've kind of stop collecting them.  Just tooooooo much stuff in my life.  But now and then something comes through the Flea market donations or a someone says 'I have this old quilt I want you to look at...'   And sometimes I am delighted to see some diamond in the rough like this quilt. Do you know anyone who's ever belonged to a Necktie Club? Look at these Wild prints! The note does not provide a date but based on the prints and the Necktie date "1941' it was probably  finished in the early 40's. What fun! take care, cw

Another CZU donation top finished

I was getting a bit tired of fussing with orphan blocks and these pretty yellow and blue prints caught my eye at  I decided to splurge and order some fresh fabrics to make my next CZU bed quilt.  I also decided to make life simple and make a Bar quilt.  99" x 92"  It's got enough piece work to make it interesting but it takes advantage of those pretty prints carrying the design along. The toile was kind of a cheat.  There are really only two motifs that have been flipped around and repeated with some filler leaves and flowers.  Not really a true Toile but it will do. It's on the quilt frame now.  It's fun quilting it 'cause the bars run the length of the frame and I can get a whole row quilted without interruption!  Easy peasy! I hope you are enjoying your weekend! take care, cw

Another UFO done!

 I made the quilt top for this quilt several years ago when I was working on samples for a class I  ambitiously called "Simple Modern Improv".   You can see other samples for that class under the "Workshop" tab.  I often did not finish sample tops so's I did not have to schlep around so many finished quilts.  Since I have not been teaching much of late I have been finishing a lot of these tops and donating them. I quilted this top some time ago but had not bound it. The top was wide enough but a little to short to cover the CZU donation size requirements.   But by quilting some strips of fabric and then sewing them onto the top and bottom of the already quilted quilt it was long enough to qualify as a Twin size.  So off it went in the last batch of donations. I quilted it with a lot of parallel lines and some circles to brake the monotony. I think I must have been a very strange frame of mind when I picked the backing fabrics.  I guess t...

Quilted and Done!!!

I think I blogged about this top back in Dec.  I ran out of Kona White and had to buy some more online.  So that delayed the finish.  I think all together it took 4-5 yards of the white fabric.  It's 99" square.  White fabric looks great but it's such a pain.  Everything has to be kept clean or you get all kinds of threads stuck to it! Everything seems to take so much longer when a quilt is big. Just pinning it on the frame took a whole day!.  And of course I chose to do the blocks with ruler work so that took a lot of time! I could have quilted it with wreaths or something but that would have taken even longer.  As it was I worked on it every day for 2-3 hours for a whole week! I'm happy with the results and and with all that repetition I think my ruler skills have improved😀 I splurged and bought 108" backing.  It was on sale $11.00/ yard so it only set me back about $35.00.        I find with the really big quilts a pie...