Arial View Quilts
I've seen lots of pix on Pinterest of Map type quilts so I guess it's a big thing. Any who, after I got home from my plane ride in April I started really looking around the internet and found a wealth of pictures and ideas for Arial View Quilts. I have at least a couple of pounds worth of green scrapes so I started to sort. I managed to cover pretty much every available surface in my play area! I also have this wonderful print that I've been saving for probably at lease 20 years. I have two yards of it. I think it will make a wonderful border! Ive seen a lot of Arial views that are grid like but I think I would like to try for a more random view. Kind of like what I saw from the plane. They still have squares and rectangles of fields but it's not so N/ S and E/ W. Even tho' the brown patches are part of the landscape in our Draught plagued part of the world I think I'm going to make it more green than brown... Well after all that play and pondering I ...