
Showing posts from June, 2021

Arial View Quilts

 I've seen lots of pix on Pinterest of Map type quilts so I guess it's a big thing.  Any who, after I got home from my plane ride in April I started really looking around the internet and found a wealth of pictures and ideas for Arial View Quilts. I have at least a couple of pounds worth of green scrapes so I started to sort.  I managed to cover pretty much every available surface in my play area! I also have this wonderful print that I've been saving for probably at lease 20 years.  I have two yards of it.  I think it will make a wonderful border! Ive seen a lot of Arial views that are grid like but I think I would like to try for a more random view.  Kind of like what I saw from the plane. They still have squares and rectangles of fields but it's not so N/ S and E/ W. Even tho' the brown patches are part of the landscape in our Draught plagued part of the world I think I'm going to make it more green than brown... Well after all that play and pondering I ...

Spring comes slowly

 We've had a very cool Spring here on the Central Coast of California.  Lots of morning mist and lots of 60 degrees days.  But that's OK.  With the drought and fire danger,  cool and damp is just fine with me.  Even with the cool temperatures the Spring flowers have been providing us with some wonderful displays. Our Hawthorne tree has been really spectacular!  Normally I don't snip much from it but there was a big branch getting into the path so I took that big branch off and made some arrangements for the house. I started with the biggest vase I own and put it in the entry way.  There were still some big pieces so I got out another big vase and made a second arrangement for the kitchen. And there was still a couple of little branches for the family room. The little clusters of flowers are so pretty!  They remind me of miniature roses. Gardening takes precedent over sewing this time of year so I have not been doing much sewing but I have bee...