A Little Catch-up
Blog O' Day Challenge- Day 16
I'm Participating in the Blog- o' -Day Challenge here's a link back to moppin.com for the link-up;
Day 14 - My Stash
...Is large! I like all kinds of quilts and I make all kinds of quilt so I have all kinds of fabrics. Reproductions, Asian, Batiks, modern, solids brights, darks etc. Right now my stash is a big mess. It would take awhile to tidy it up so I'm not going to show any pictures, sorry. I always say if I made a quilt everyday for the rest of my life I probably would not run out of fabric! But it's like collecting stamps if you see it and you like it you gotta have it for your 'collection' LOL
Day 15- My earliest sewing memory
My earliest sewing memory was probably around age 5 or 6 and I was sewing Doll clothes with my sister (2 years older). Our mom had given us a small bag of scraps and we were making 'skirts' by cutting rectangles large enough to wrap around the dolls, sew a side seam and fasten with a button. I finished what I was sewing and proudly showed it to my sister. She said it was sloppy and it wouldn't do. I think this was the beginning of my resistance to Back Stitching!
Day 16 - Why do I sew?
I love sewing and I love fabric and I love the creativity of making things and giving them to all the people I love!
Well, not a very long post and no visuals so I will end with some random pix just for fun!
My son collected this little souvenir towel when he was in Japan and he asked me to make a wall hanging with it. I finished it a week or so ago so I could get it mailed off in time for xmas.
Different fighting / holds and positions of Sumo wrestlers
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