My Least Favorite Color

Blog O' Day Challenge- Day 13

  I'm Participating in the Blog- o' -Day Challenge here's a link back to for the link-up;

Today's topic - My Least Favorite Color 

If you asked me a couple of years ago "what's your least favorite color?'  I probably would have said a color I call 'Yucky Brown'.   I had a huge stack of Orphan blocks that fit into this ugly Color category.  But I felt obliged to work with the blocks since they had been given to me for the purpose of making donation quilts.  Nothing like a little personal challenge to open ones own bias!

I found in the course of playing with these "ugly' blocks that there were many shades of 'yucky brown' but by grouping some of these blocks together the contrast was not bad.   Here's my first attempt:
Well it might not win any ribbons at the County Fair but it makes a decent lap quilt for donation and I saved some Orphan blocks from Block Purgatory!  LOL  
Encouraged by this result I went back to that pile of blocks and made two more lap quilts.
Of course the yucky browns kind of range from redish- brown to orange -brown and different sashing helped pull some of these blocks together.
I think this one below is my favorite. There's a lot going on in this little quilt.  I count about 15 different contributors to this quilt.  A happy ending for some 'yucky brown' Orphan Blocks!
These are all 36" by 48" the size the Vets program requests for wheelchair bound Vets.
So I guess 'yucky Browns' aren't so ugly when you put them in the right company and I learned a lot about my own bias and it was FUN!
To be honest I'm still a little shy of Orange.  But not because I don't like it,  but it's just so LOUD.
A little goes a long way! 
This Blog O' Day is fun I haven't posted this much in years!
I think I'm going to go sew now...
take care, cw


  1. Brown is probably the color I use the least but when I need animal fur or tree trunks I dig into the brown stash. It can be a good color to contrast with more likeable. There was a period of time when yellow was my least favorite but then I realized that yellow enhances the other colors. Brown is a little like that sometimes.

  2. Yes! I feel that way about yellow too! Not so much brown. I think of brown as more of a neutral? thanks for your comment!

  3. Beautiful quilts, Claire. It's fun to see a post showing how a quilter pushed through for success against an unlikeable color (to her, at least).
    Brown is one of my favorite colors, in all shades and tones, though not so much the tan ranges. I have several least favorite colors (purple, yellow, orange, and some blues) which, when it comes down to it, is very limiting for a quilter. I'm working to overcome those biases but have a long way to go.

    1. Thanks Nancy! I think, bottom line, we like what we like and go with that! Maybe your quilts will lean towards certain color schemes but when you look at them you'll smile!

  4. I'm with you on the "brown" thing. Funny, I would never wear brown, but it does seem to work its way into a lot of my reproduction quilts. I'm having a hard time keeping up with blog reading. Hope you get some sewing in today!

    1. Ya, the madder browns of vintage quilts are very rich and the other kind of redish browns. I shouldn't be so down on them...

  5. I'm with you on the yucky browns. I have very little brown of any kind in my stash, well a chocolate brown with black polka dots is nice. And I have some very fine woven plaids, so there's brown in a few of those. I love to pop some yellow, red, or chartreuse into a garment or quilt as an accent, a la Rachel Clark. Red is considered a neutral by some folks!

    I'm enjoying your posts a lot, Claire!

  6. Ya, I always liked that Rachel said she uses chartreuse as a neutral! I like Chartreuse gives designs a real POP!


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