Christmas Eve

 Blog O' Day Challenge- Day 24

  I'm Participating in the Blog- o' -Day Challenge here's a link back to for the link-up;   

Catch up on Days 22, 23, and 24

Day 22-  I like all kinds of music and  listen to all kinds of music. But when I really want to concentrate I listen to Baroque music by people Bach, Handel and Vivaldi.  I've been told that something about the rhythm of that music helps ones concentration and it's just really beautiful music.

Day 23-  I generally do not prewash.  I figure most new fabrics these days are really pretty color fast and the shrinkage is really minimal.  So why waste time and energy laundering and ironing extra?   If it's one off those fabrics that looks like it might run I'll take a little snip and test it and if it runs I'll will wash it in Synthrapole (sp) which is a liquid soap that fixes dye.  But I've had very little trouble with shrinkage.  The two exception hand dyed fabrics and yarn dyed plaids which I wash in Synthrapole.

Day 24- I try to tidy up my work table at the end of every session.  The rest of my space may be in chaos but I try to clear off my work table so when I come into my sewing room  the next time there's a little space of calm.  I'm away from home right now or I would post a picture.  I also like to vacuum and tidy -up before I leave town so right now my sewing room looks relatively picked-up.  It's nice to come home to a clean space!

More Random photos...

I bought a gizmo recently that digitalizes slides and negatives.  I have been going through all my parents many many slide carousels.  My father was an Engineer so he always had the latest gadget so we have slides dating back to the early 50's.  A lot of them are pictures of scenery because we went on a lot of road trips in those days but there are some of us kids.  Here are a couple of Christmas pix from my new / old  archives.  

Christmas is certainly a nostalgic time.  I remember scenes like this so vividly.  The excitement of getting the tree and decorating it!  Hanging the stockings!

I wonder what my sister was saying to us that we were attending so closely?
My grandmother was not much of a seamstress but she made theses stocking for us with great care. You can see the state of Illinois on my sister's stocking. She put the state of our birth on each of our stockings.   This was probably xmas 1958 or 1959.
I hope you all have Happy Winter Holidays however you plan to celebrate!
take care, cw


  1. Your old photos are great! They look a lot like mine, lol.
    Merry Christmas for you!

  2. I think I had that same red plaid skirt with the suspenders. At least there's a picture of me in a similar outfit. Those were the days. Merry Christmas!

  3. I love these pictures! I hope you share more in the future.

    And never mind. I remembered that I can click on 'older post' to catch up.


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