"if I Could Sew with...

Blog O' Day Challenge- Day 18

  I'm Participating in the Blog- o' -Day Challenge here's a link back to moppin.com for the link-up;


If I could take a class with Nancy Crow I would like to do that.  I have heard from people who have taken classes with Nancy Crow that she is a very challenging teacher.  I think at this point a good kick-in-the-pants to Up My Game would be a great experience!  I did visit her web site at some point in the past year or so but her classes were all booked way in advance, cost A LOT and it's far to go ( she's in Ohio and I'm in California).  Kind of a long way to travel for a good kick in the pants!  LOL   But maybe I should really look into it...

Another short post.  More random photos to entertain ...

My Daughter in-law is a Nurse Anesthetist and she says when your all dressed up for surgery the only way to tell one  person from another in the surgery room is your cap.  She likes to where seasonal fabric caps to jazz things up so I made her this xmas fabric cap for Dec.

I make these caps reversible.  Since they need a lining I figure why not make it decorative!
This Santa fabric is a real hoot!  Deep Sea Diving Santa and his reindeer!  
Who'd thought?
I really like making Holiday gifts!
I think it's a great way to say "I love You!''
Happy Holiday sewing!
take care, cw


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