On The Design Wall...

 Blog O' Day Challenge- Day 19

  I'm Participating in the Blog- o' -Day Challenge here's a link back to moppin.com for the link-up;


On the design Wall...

I often have more than one project on my design wall.  Such is the case today.  I removed the center of my Orphan Block project which is all sewn together, 'cause I needed space for this little project in the middle.  I'm still struggling with the Orphan Block borders so I thought starting this little Challenge Project might provide a distraction.

The Challenge theme is "Monterey Bay Life".  Anything to do with life in the Monterey Bay, It's rather broad.  I bought this Beach Scene fabric recently so I thought I'd try to incorporate that into the design.
The perspective is really off but I was determined to use that fabric!
I even went to the Beach yesterday to get some inspiration...
Where are the people!  LOL
Anyway,  these were the fabrics  we were given with the instructions to use as much as possible.
The green for the plants and the yellow for the sand was an easy application. The white background I rolled kind of like piping for foam for the waves.  I considered using the batik for the sky but it just had tooo much yellow in it.  So that's going to be the border.  I know that's kind of a cop-out but it actually looks pretty good!
I hope to get the top done today so's I can get back to the bigger project.
The Quilt Show is at the end of Feb. so I think I can get this all cleared off the design wall by then!
I hope you all have a Peaceful Sunday!
take care, cw


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