
Showing posts from January, 2023

January, A Great Month of Sewing!

 We are drying out now, but phewph, what a lot of rain we had!   We are fortunately up in the hills on solid ground so no major damage to us personally but that series of storms did a lot of damage to many places here along the Central Coast of CA!! For me the up-side of all that rain was a lot of indoor time for sewing.  I tried to make the most of it!  I got two quilt tops quilted, Simple quilting with squiggly lines on the diagonal. And this top was a donation to the CZU project but a lot of the small quilts / tops were never distributed because people really wanted bed size quilts.  So we are finding home for them with hospice and the Vets project 'cause they want Lap size quilts like this one. I used my favorite doodle- all-over-pattern to quilt this one. I also Finished this top from my last post. I know I've said it before but I really do like these row by row quilts.  It makes the math really easy! And since Valentines day is coming up I made t...

Rainy Day Special

Happy New Year!   We had a pretty low key turning of the Year.  It's been raining a lot so going out is not so enticing but that's just fine by me.  The good news is lots of rain means lots of sewing!   My personal favorite excuse for staying inside, warm and cozy;  to sew!  Since my last Post (about a week ago) I managed to piece most of that top I started..,   And Put a binding on the quilt I showed in my last post ... And  Yesterday I started another new project.   I know, that's more Starts than Finishes!  But the Planning is just so much fun!    Anyway,  I dug deep into my box of Orphan blocks and found this collection of blue blocks and scraps.  It seemed there were enough blocks and scrappy units to make a Vet sized quilt (36" x 48").    Another thing I love about working with orphan materials is that once you've decided on the layout,  the assembly is soooo much easier! ...